5G wireless technology: is 5G harmful to our health?

Lennart Hardell. Health Council of the Netherlands and evaluation of the fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication and cancer risks.
World J Clin Oncol 2021; 12 (6): 393-403 doi: 10.5306 / wjco.v12.i6.393.

Health Council of the Netherlands and Evaluation of the Fifth Generation, 5G, for wireless communication and cancer risks


Currently, the fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication is about to be deployed worldwide. Many people are concerned about the potential health risks of radio frequency radiation. In September 2017, a letter was sent to the European Union requesting a moratorium on deployment until a scientific assessment has been made on the potential health risks (http://www.5Gappeal.eu) .

This appeal has had little success. The Health Council of the Netherlands published its assessment on 5G and health on September 2, 2020. It was largely based on a draft and a report by the World Health Organization's Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, both criticized for their lack of impartiality. It was recommended to use the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, http: //www.emfscientist.org).

The Health Council Committee recommended to do not use the 26 GHz frequency band until the health risks have been studied. For lower frequencies, the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection have been recommended. The conclusion that there is no reason to stop using lower frequencies for 5G is not supported by the current evidence on cancer risks, as discussed in this article. A moratorium is urgently needed on the implementation of 5G for wireless communications.

Base tip:
in this comment, the radiation guidelines radio frequencies are discussed in connection with a recent assessment by the Health Council of the Netherlands. The Committee recommends that for the deployment of 5G, the 26 GHz frequency band should not be used. For lower frequencies, the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection are recommended. However, these guidelines are not based on an objective assessment of health risks, which is discussed in this article.
ondes 5G


In conclusion regarding cancer, current scientific evidence clearly shows an increased risk of glioma  and Acoustic Neuroma for the use of mobile and / or cordless phones. In this review, other types of tumors
and health parameters are not discussed.

The increased risk of brain and cranial tumors is based on epidemiological studies of cancer in humans  and is supported by similar tumor types found in animal studies. In fact, these animal studies confirmed the previous results of
case-control studies on the increased risk of tumor associated with the use of cordless phones (mobile and cordless). Mechanistic aspects of carcinogenesis come from laboratory results on, for example, increased reactive oxygen species [5] and DNA damage [4].

The evaluation The Netherlands Health Council's current review is based on a WHO project and a report from the SSM.
It also recommends using the ICNIRP guidelines, considered insufficient to protect against health risks,
such as cancer, by the majority of scientists in this field (https: / /www.emfscientist.org).
The report does not represent a thorough, balanced, objective and up-to-date assessment of the risks of cancer and other dangerous effects of RF radiation.

It is also surprisingly contradictory as it concludes that of serious health effects such as cancer and birth defects are "possible". Still, he has no objection to the rollout of 5G and recommends that further studies be done to investigate health outcomes such as cancer and birth defects. Thus, no lessons are drawn from the existing observations on the increased risks of cancer.

Document en libre accès : https://www.wjgnet.com/2218-4333/full/v12/i6/393.htm

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